The Pea Sheller Jr (also known as the Little Wizard Bean & Pea Sheller or the Mr. Pea Sheller) will shell peas and beans faster than you can imagine! You will be amazed with the results! It was created by L. H. Powell of Dallas, TX for Lee Mfg Co in 1973. This pea sheller comes with a hand-crank, but also runs with your electric hand mixer or your own lightweight electric drill for even faster production.
Saves time and labor with fantastic results. No mashing or squeezing when peas or beans are RIPE as for hand shelling. When pods can be stripped out of the pods using only your fingers, this machine will save you LOTS of time and labor! Make sure your beans are not under ripe or dry for optimal results.
Pea Sheller Jr. (formerly known as Mr. Pea Sheller and also branded as the Little Wizard Bean & Pea Sheller) will breeze through the task of shelling beans fast, fast, FAST! No adjustments to make. Just feed the pods into the sheller's upper slot and they zip right through onto your table or into your box below it. The shelled peas roll down the trough into your pan beneath.
Constructed of high grade steel and aluminum with tough nylon gears. This unique product can be yours today! We are the original and sole producer of this hand-cranked pea sheller.
- One year warranty and satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.
- Replacement rollers are available.
- Mount the Pea Sheller, Jr. to any sturdy edge such as your dining room table, countertop or board (be careful not to damage mounting surfaces such as countertops).
- Make a chore, and sometimes dreaded task, fun and exciting for you and your family!
See the Pea Sheller Jr in action!
What about if the Pea Sheller Jr. rollers are spinning in the wrong direction? It is a quick fix to get the rollers in the correct orientation. The following video will demonstrate how to fix that problem.
Directions & Use:
- Rinse the beans, making sure they are free of dirt, mud and debris. Leave peas slightly wet.
- Attach pea sheller to sturdy table or workbench.
- Attach hand-crank using included nut (usually already attached to handle). Simply thread onto male threads on end of pea sheller bottom roller shaft. ALWAYS remove hand-crank when using a drill. A light drill may be attached to power the pea sheller on the side opposite the hand-crank. Place towels or other material under the drill to properly position it.
- While cranking the handle, feed the end of the bean into the rollers. The beans/peas will fall into your pan below and the empty hulls will pass completely through the rollers and exit out the other side. The upper shaft of the pea sheller should always turn in a CLOCKWISE direction (when viewed from the side opposite the handle). **Note** For lima/butter beans the pods should be fed through at an angle with the thicker, vine-end of the pod entering the rollers first.
- Clean the rollers frequently. If pod and bean material has gathered on the rollers it will adversely effect operation of the sheller. Wipe with a wet rag as needed to remove debris from the grooves of the rollers.
- After each use, clean the rollers and loading tray. A stiff bristled brush (toothbrush) works best for cleaning the splined rollers. Store the pea sheller in the original box and packaging.
If you are preparing your beans for freezing, blanch the freshly shelled peas/beans for four minutes in boiling water and then freeze in appropriate containers. Peas and beans should be ripe (as for hand shelling) before they are ready for machine shelling. They should be fully developed and of sufficient size with the pea or bean about ¼” or larger for best results. Peas that are too green or that have been allowed to dry very hard will present a problem.
For best results: Pick beans, allow to “cure” at room temperature for about 24 hours, rinse with water and shell. Peas that have been gathered green will need to be dried out a little. If they have been refrigerated, they will need to be brought to room temperature and allowed to dry. Avoid feeding vines or other foreign objects through the rollers.
Hard to Shell or Tough Pods? Beans and peas that just will not shell without mashing probably have either very tough pods (due to growing conditions) or may be too green or too dry. These may be shelled very easily by using the following method: Blanch the beans/peas, in the pod, in boiling water for one to four minutes. Cool beans quickly in cold water (in sink or washpan). This process makes the pods or hulls tender enough so that even the thin skin around the peas/beans is not damaged.